brown wooden dock between lavender flower field near body of water during golden hour

RS Department Support

two women talking while looking at laptop computer
two women talking while looking at laptop computer
How to grow a modern, relevant and dynamic RS department

Philosophy, Religion and Ethics are the three strands to the current A level and GCSE qualifications, and I am passionate about all three.

Encouraging students to listen to other viewpoints and learn from them before developing their own views supported by evidence, is critical to so many career paths. Helping students see the relevance of these subjects to their everyday lives is, I believe, a key to a successful department.

I have grown the RS department at my last school from 2 students studying for A level when I arrived, to a thriving department with regularly over 15 students choosing RS at A level, and this is a testament to my belief in an engaging, interactive approach to lessons. Students across all years have unanimously commented how much they enjoy their lessons. A Big Questions club, supported the timetabled lessons and has encouraged students to become confident debaters, relating their learning to topical issues such as recent protests and riots, or debating the ethical use of AI and the difference between humans and robots.

I have recently supported a Subject Leader as together we reviewed their curriculum and revamped it to design an interesting and relevant scheme of work for Key Stage 3 students. I have also been asked to undertake a curriculum deep dive.

Leading what is often a small department, can be lonely, and I am keen to come alongside and collaborate with subject leaders to help review your curriculum and lesson content and style, to ensure that RS plays a pivotal role at the heart of your school.

assorted books on wooden table
assorted books on wooden table

"Thank you for everything you taught me. Your passion for philosophy is contagious and has made the subject more interesting that I could have ever anticipated...."

A Year 12 student